What Do You Gravitate To Naturally? What Does Your Soul Love?

The answers to these questions holds the key to unlocking the limitless soul potential of: Peace of mind, holistic wellbeing, creativity and your "Authentic" life's vision...

The Soul Loveth Wellness Project was created to nurture the mental and emotional needs of teens and adults by providing empowering tools to self regulate in an introspective and creative way.

While establishing a bridge to increase hopefulness and stability in life; transforming lifestyle standards that maintain healthier boundaries- reflecting personal values and long term goals.

  • Mindfulness- Based Interventions

    ~ Mindful Movement: Yoga inspired exercise, dance and deep breathing

    ~Positive Affirmation Meditations that develops Self Awareness

    ~Journaling Exercises: Helps spark creativity and process tiggers/automatic reactions to internal and external stressors. Less reactive-more responsive.

    ~Art Therapy Exercises: Reflective and creative exploration of natural gifts, talents and interest.

    ~Music Therapy Exercises: Explore emotions and regulate mood through music analysis.

  • Self-Care

    • Importance of personal hygiene
    • Healthy Eating & Movement
    • Emotional stability & Wellbeing
    • Wellness Regime
  • Life Path

    • Visualization Exercises
    • Goal Setting
    • Action Plan
    • Maintenance tools and techniques
  • Curriculum

    The Soul Loveth Life Path Journal & Workbook (Youth Addition) leads individuals on a reflective path of self-discovery. Through activities like movement, music, journaling, and creative expression, participants discover interests, skills, and goals while fostering positive life skills and a strong sense of self-worth..


Let the Journey Begin…

2023 Year In Review